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Warning…excessive excitement and exclamation point use ahead. Proceed with caution.

Imagine me singing (very off key) “I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it…” That pretty much sums up my mood right now!! I am officially cleared for surgery!!!

On Friday I had my last appointments with the dietitian and exercise physiologist. I’m down 29 lbs from when I began the program in January, woohoo! Ryan, my EP, showed me some exercises to utilize the free weights, resistance bands, etc that my gym has. I’ve been sore ever since, ha! Kathy, the dietitian said I’ve done great in the program and she is clearing me from their side. I met with the pulmonary doctor yesterday to follow up on my at home sleep study, I have very mild sleep apnea, but not enough that they feel it is worth treating it (especially given that it’ll go away as I lose weight), so I’m cleared from them as well! I called the scheduler at the WLS dr to give her my update from yesterday and I’m waiting on a call back from her. But from what she told me on Friday, after I had my pulmonary clearance, they’d send everything off to insurance; once they have the approval (about a week), they’ll schedule my surgery, which will probably be about 4 weeks out. Yay!

I can’t believe that in January it seemed like this point would take FOREVER to get here…and now it’s so close that I can taste it. I feel like the next week or 2 may drag a bit until I have the insurance approval and date, but knowing the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter is a huge motivator. I feel like a different person that I was 4 months ago. I’m eating well, exercising and seeing steady progress and that motivates me more than I have been in a long time. I’ve found that when I eat crap now, my body revolts…which is probably a good thing, it’ll keep me in check!

I have 2 scale victories (TWO…in one post!!)…I’ve surpassed my 5% weight loss goal and my under 400 goal! It feels so great to check those off my list and I look forward to checking more.