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Three months…wowza! Aside from the kidney stone issue, this journey has been fairly uneventful…and I am forever thankful for that! I’ve read a lot of stories and blogs from people who have had complications and problems post surgery and I am so very glad to have had an uncomplicated journey. I’m still figuring some things out (like how the heck do I add in veggies & fruit when I get full after eating my protein?) and still battle some exercise related laziness. I’m a work in progress and I know that I’ll get there. My eating habits have changed drastically…I don’t crave junk or gravitate towards food when I’m bored or emotional anymore. I can go to parties and picnics and eat just enough without feeling like I’m missing out on anything. I can enjoy the company of the people I’m with instead of worrying about if anyone is going to judge me if I go for seconds or people side-eyeing what’s on my plate and judging me for it. The last three months have been one of the most positive experiences of my life and I would do it all over again in a heart beat! I’m just a few pounds shy of losing 100 lbs since first Dr appt in January…which is just mind boggling to me!

The last few days have been busy and stressful…but all for good things!! Saturday my brother, SIL and I threw a surprise 60th birthday party for my parents. We were able to shock the hell out of them….score! Everyone had a fantastic time and the party was great! A majority of the people there hadn’t seen me since my surgery and I got TONS of compliments on how great I looked. I’m not going to lie…it felt GREAT! I know I still have a long way to go…but the positive reinforcement is particularly motivating!

Monday was VSG-day for hubs. He did fantastic! He was discharged yesterday and seems to be having an easy time of things. Like me, he’s had very little pain and has been able to tolerate the few things he’s tried to get down. I’m looking forward to our journey to getting healthy together!

A few NSV’s:

  • My clothes….I know I complained the other week that my sizes hadn’t seemed to go down a whole lot. Well all of the sudden pretty much everything I own is too big. My stuff is “wearable” but you can tell it’s definitely too big. I can get my pants off without unbuttoning/unzipping and my shirts aren’t snug anymore, some I can’t wear anymore because they are just TOO big….woo!
  • My wedding/engagement rings practically fall off of me if I shake my hand too much. I have to take them to get cleaned/inspected next month for the warranty and I’m going to ask what I can do…I know there are little things I can snap on the bottom. I don’t want to get them resized until I’m done losing weight!
  • Other misc jewelry…my bracelets fit better, I can snap my Fit Bit on tighter and my necklace has gotten longer (you know, cause my neck is smaller!). It’s crazy how little things like that are exciting now!
  • I did my 3 month measurements and I’m down more inches! I love seeing these numbers go down! I’ve lost 21.75 inches total since April!

Pre-op vs. Week 12…I looked like a balloon before!

Week 12 stats:
Week 11 weight: 338.8
Week 12 weight: 334.6
Weekly loss: 4.2 lbs
Lost since surgery: 55.0 lbs
Total lost: 93.4 lbs since January